Why the theory R is special

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review


In this paper we provide a “coordinate-free” characterization of the Tarski-Mostowski-Robinson theory R by showing that R is the maximum of the global degrees of interpretability that are in the minimum local degree of interpretability. In more mundane terms, we show that a recursively enumerable theory is locally finite iff it can be globally interpreted R. This is the first non-trivial coordinate-free characterization of a canonical theory
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationFoundational Adventures
Subtitle of host publicationEssays in honour of Harvey M. Friedman
EditorsNeil Tennant
PublisherCollege Publications
Number of pages17
ISBN (Print)978-1-84890-117-9
Publication statusPublished - 2014

Publication series

PublisherCollege Publications


  • weak theories
  • interpretations
  • degrees
  • logic
  • arithmetic


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