Vroeger voor vandaag. Heden-verledenvergelijkingen voor praktisch gebruik

A.H. Boele, Arjan van Dixhoorn, Pepijn van Houwelingen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


In this article we explore how and under what circumstances present-past comparisons can be used to find solutions to current social issues. We argue that meaningful comparisons can not only be made between countries or groups within countries, rather, comparisons between current and past societies too can enrich our thinking about pressing social problems. We search for the conditions under which such comparisons are possible without undermining the professional skills, epistemological and methodological insights of the various disciplines. Learning from the past calls for an in-depth study of present problems and the historical (role) model alike, with historians and social and political scientists cooperating in teams. We propose a five-step-method: (1) diagnosing the social issue, (2) tracing comparable historical practices that might offer solutions, (3) distilling these practices from their historical contexts, (4) massaging the ‘historical’ practices into the diagnosed present-day context through an imaginative exercise, and (5) implementing these solutions into everyday life through forms of experiment.
Original languageDutch
Pages (from-to)224-243
JournalBeleid en Maatschappij
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2015

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