Utrecht corpus of speech errors

Hugo Quené, Gerrit Bloothooft, Marian Schelvis

Research output: Non-textual formData set/DatabaseAcademic


This dataset contains the "Utrecht" corpus of spontaneous speech errors and mispronunciations in Dutch. These spontaneous errors were collected "in the wild" in the years 1979-1988 by staff members and students at the Institute of Phonetics at Utrecht University, in Utrecht, the Netherlands. The dataset contains a structured corpus of 2455 annotated errors, with annotations capturing (a.o.) the type of error, direction of error, unit of error, and intended speech target of each error. For more information, see the file USPRAAK.readme.md file in this dataset.
Original languageEnglish
Media of outputOnline
Publication statusPublished - 25 Oct 2024


  • self-monitoring
  • speech production
  • speech error
  • speech errors
  • mispronunciations


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