Using geophysical data to create a 3D conceptual geological model for the Maremane Dome, Northern Cape, South Africa

Adam Wooldridge, J.A. King, Gavin Doyle, Ian Basson, Deon Nel, Stuart McGregor

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractAcademic


Modelling the 3D geology of the Maremane Dome area provides significant insight into the tectonic setting of the Kolomela and Sishen deposits. Importantly, the model provides geological context for the numerous dense sources identified in Falcon Airborne Gravity Gradient (AGG) data, allowing for a more effective discrimination of targets related to high-grade iron mineralisation. Despite the availability of extensive drillhole databases and geological maps, such datasets are naturally clustered in areas of economic interest, thereby leaving significant gaps in regional data coverage. As a result, drillhole, mapping information and mine-scale 3D models have been integrated and augmented with 3D interpretations of several campaigns of airborne magnetic and electromagnetic (AEM) data. Geophysical methods respond to physical contrasts in the underlying geology. As physical properties do not always correspond with stratigraphic or lithological boundaries, understanding major physical properties contrasts within the stratigraphy is an essential interpretation step.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2016


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