Unterschiedliche Wertschätzung, aber gleiche Unterstützungsbereitschaft. Soziale Reaktionen auf Optimisten, Pessimisten und Realisten aus der Geberperspektive

Translated title of the contribution: Different approval, but equal willingness to provide support: Social responses to optimists, pessimists, and realists from a provider’s perspective

Manja Vollmann, Britta Renner, Katrin Matiba, Hannelore Weber

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Examines the assumption that optimists, pessimists, and realists elicit different social responses. 168 college students were asked to read transcripts of conversations in which optimistic, pessimistic, and realistic targets reported how they were dealing with a stressful situation. Afterwards they completed a questionnaire assessing (1) their evaluation of the target's behavior and personality, (2) their attraction to the target, and (3) their willingness to provide the target with social support. Regarding the evaluation of behavior and personality as well as perceived interpersonal attraction, optimistic and realistic targets were viewed more favorably than pessimistic targets. However, the more positive evaluation of optimists and realists compared to pessimists was not accompanied by a greater willingness to provide them with social support. Thus, the relation between optimism and health may not merely be mediated by social support provided by the network, but also by the expression of social approval.
Translated title of the contributionDifferent approval, but equal willingness to provide support: Social responses to optimists, pessimists, and realists from a provider’s perspective
Original languageGerman
Pages (from-to)168-176
Number of pages9
JournalZeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2007


  • social responses to optimists & pessimists & realists, evaluation of target's behavior & personality & attraction to target & willingness to provide social support, 168 college students
  • *Optimism
  • *Pessimism
  • *Social Perception
  • *Social Support
  • Interpersonal Attraction
  • Assistance (Social Behavior)
  • Social Perception & Cognition
  • *Optimismus
  • *Pessimismus
  • *Soziale Wahrnehmung
  • *Soziale Unterstützung
  • Interpersonale Anziehung
  • Hilfeverhalten
  • Soziale Wahrnehmung und soziale Kognition


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