Understanding personality pathology in a clinical sample of youth: study protocol for the longitudinal research project 'APOLO'

Nagila Koster*, Igor Lusin, Paul T. Van Der Heijden, Odilia M. Laceulle, Marcel A.G. Van Aken

*Corresponding author for this work

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Introduction We propose that a dimensional, multilayered perspective is well suited to study maladaptive personality development in youth. Such a perspective can help understand pathways to personality pathology and contribute to its early detection. The research project 'APOLO' (a Dutch language acronym for Adolescents and their Personality Development: a Longitudinal Study) is designed based on McAdams' integrative three-layered model of personality development and assesses the interaction between dispositional traits, characteristic adaptations, the narrative identity and functioning. Methods and analysis APOLO is a longitudinal research project that takes place in two outpatient mental healthcare centres. Participants are youth between 12 years and 23 years and their parents. Data collection is set up to build a data set for scientific research, as well as to use the data for diagnostic assessment and systematic treatment evaluation of individual patients. Measurements are conducted half-yearly for a period of 3 years and consist of self-report and informant-report questionnaires and a semistructured interview. The included constructs fit the dimensional model of personality development: maladaptive personality traits (dispositional traits), social relations, stressful life events (characteristic adaptations), a turning point (narrative identity) and functioning (eg, achievement of youth specific milestones). Primary research questions will be analysed using structural equation modelling. Ethics and dissemination The results will contribute to our understanding of (the development of) personality pathology as a complex phenomenon in which both structural personality characteristics as well as unique individual adaptations and experiences play a role. Furthermore, results will give directions for early detection and timely interventions. This study has been approved by the ethical review committee of the Utrecht University Faculty for Social and Behavioural Sciences (FETC17-092). Data distribution will be anonymous and results will be disseminated via communication canals appropriate for diverse audiences. This includes both clinical and scientific conferences, papers published in national and international peer-reviewed journals and (social) media platforms.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere054485
Number of pages9
JournalBMJ Open
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2022

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
APOLO is a longitudinal two-site research project of which the design started in 2017 and data collection started mid-2018. APOLO is planned to run for at least 5 years. The research project is conducted in two mental healthcare institutes in the Netherlands: Reinier van Arkel and Vincent van Gogh. These outpatient facilities provide diagnosis and treatment to individuals with psychological, self-functioning or social functioning problems and specialise in early detection and treatment of severe psychopathology, including personality disorders. The data collection of APOLO is an integral part of the clinical process of diagnostic assessment and systematic treatment evaluation. The project is completely funded by the collaborating institutes, Reinier van Arkel, Vincent van Gogh and Utrecht University.

Funding Information:
The Adolescents and their Personality Development: a Longitudinal Study is completely funded by the collaborating institutes, Reinier van Arkel, Vincent van Gogh and Utrecht University.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 BMJ Publishing Group. All rights reserved.


APOLO is a longitudinal two-site research project of which the design started in 2017 and data collection started mid-2018. APOLO is planned to run for at least 5 years. The research project is conducted in two mental healthcare institutes in the Netherlands: Reinier van Arkel and Vincent van Gogh. These outpatient facilities provide diagnosis and treatment to individuals with psychological, self-functioning or social functioning problems and specialise in early detection and treatment of severe psychopathology, including personality disorders. The data collection of APOLO is an integral part of the clinical process of diagnostic assessment and systematic treatment evaluation. The project is completely funded by the collaborating institutes, Reinier van Arkel, Vincent van Gogh and Utrecht University. The Adolescents and their Personality Development: a Longitudinal Study is completely funded by the collaborating institutes, Reinier van Arkel, Vincent van Gogh and Utrecht University.


  • Child & adolescent psychiatry
  • Personality disorders
  • Protocols & guidelines


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