Tuning topology in thin films of topological insulators by strain gradients

Raffaele Battilomo*, Niccoló Scopigno, Carmine Ortix

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We theoretically show that the coupling of inhomogeneous strains to the Dirac fermions of three-dimensional topological insulators (3DTI) in thin film geometries results in the occurrence of phase transitions between topologically distinct insulating phases. By means of minimal k·p models for strong 3DTI in the Bi2Se3 materials class, we find that in thin films of stoichiometric materials a strain-gradient induced structure inversion asymmetry drives a phase transition from a quantum spin-Hall phase to a topologically trivial insulating phase. Interestingly, in alloys with strongly reduced bulk band gaps strain gradients have an opposite effect and promote a topologically non-trivial phase from a parent normal band insulator. These strain-gradient assisted switchings between topologically distinct phases are expected to yield a strain gradient tunability of magnetism in magnetic topological insulator thin films.

Original languageEnglish
Article number115131
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 16 Sept 2019


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