Triggered radiosensitizer delivery using thermosensitive liposomes and hyperthermia improves efficacy of radiotherapy: An in vitro proof of concept study

Helena C Besse, Clemens Bos, Maurice M J M Zandvliet, Kim van der Wurff-Jacobs, Chrit T W Moonen, Roel Deckers

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INTRODUCTION: To increase the efficacy of chemoradiation and decrease its toxicity in normal tissue, a new concept is proposed, local radiosensitizer delivery, which combines triggered release of a radiosensitizer from thermosensitive liposomes with local hyperthermia and radiotherapy. Here, key aspects of this concept were investigated in vitro I) the effect of hyperthermia on the enhancement of radiotherapy by ThermoDox (thermosensitive liposome containing doxorubicin), II) the concentration dependence of the radiosensitizing effect of doxorubicin and III) the sequence of doxorubicin, hyperthermia and radiotherapy maximizing the radiosensitizing effect.

METHODS: Survival of HT1080 (human fibrosarcoma) cells was measured after exposure to ThermoDox or doxorubicin for 60 minutes, at 37 or 43°C, with or without irradiation. Furthermore, cell survival was measured for cells exposed to different doxorubicin concentrations and radiation doses. Finally, cell survival was measured after applying doxorubicin and/or hyperthermia before or after irradiation. Cell survival was measured by clonogenic assay. In addition, DNA damage was assessed by γH2AX staining.

RESULTS: Exposure of cells to doxorubicin at 37°C resulted in cell death, but exposure to ThermoDox at 37°C did not. In contrast, ThermoDox and doxorubicin at 43°C resulted in similar cytotoxicity, and in combination with irradiation caused a similar enhancement of cell kill due to radiation. Doxorubicin enhanced the radiation effect in a small, but significant, concentration-dependent manner. Hyperthermia showed the strongest enhancement of radiation effect when applied after irradiation. In contrast, doxorubicin enhanced radiation effect only when applied before irradiation. Concurrent doxorubicin and hyperthermia immediately before or after irradiation showed equal enhancement of radiation effect.

CONCLUSION: In vitro, ThermoDox resulted in cytotoxicity and enhancement of irradiation effect only in combination with hyperthermia. Therefore hyperthermia-triggered radiosensitizer release from thermosensitive liposomes may ultimately serve to limit toxicities due to the radiosensitizer in unheated normal tissue and result in enhanced efficacy in the heated tumor.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)e0204063
JournalPLoS One
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 2018


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