Towards a Museum of Mutuality

R.L. Buikema, V. Belia, R.L.L. Wevers, Margriet Schavemaker, Emilie Sitzia

Research output: Contribution to journalSpecial issueAcademicpeer-review


Museums are increasingly realizing the urgency to reflect upon their role in the constitution of local, national, and global identities and common histories, and the concomitant processes of inclusion and exclusion. The legacy of modernity, with its notion of the artist as an “autonomous genius”, and a sense of universal values of quality and taste, still haunts museums. The recent article by Mike Murawski, “Interrupting White Dominant Culture in Museums,” which he wrote “as part of a rapidly expanding group of museum workers, leaders, and advocates for change who see the language of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility spread like wildfire on the surface of museums without necessarily seeing the deep institutional transformations that are needed within museums,” forcefully shows that the field is concerned with and looking for strategies to deeply change the established museum culture and norms. Within this issue of Stedelijk Studies, authors with academic as well as professional backgrounds critically question these aspects of the museum and examine strategies and practices that van equip museum further with the tools to become spaces where different tastes, views, and iconographies meet – spaces that can become agents of social change, museum of mutuality.
Original languageEnglish
JournalStedelijk Studies
Issue number#8
Publication statusPublished - 18 Jun 2019


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