Topology of symplectic torus actions with symplectic orbits

J.J. Duistermaat, A. Pelayo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


We give a concise overview of the classification theory of symplectic manifolds equipped with torus actions for which the orbits are symplectic (this is equivalent to the existence of a symplectic principal orbit), and apply this theory to study the structure of the leaf space induced by the action. In particular we show that if M is a symplectic manifold on which a torus T acts effectively with symplectic orbits, then the leaf space M/T is a very good orbifold with first Betti number b1(M/T)=b1(M)−dim T
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)59-81
Number of pages23
JournalRevista matemática complutense
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2011


  • Symplectic manifold
  • Torus action
  • Orbifold
  • Betti number
  • Lie group
  • Symplectic orbit
  • Distribution
  • Foliation


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