Topological Art in Simple Galleries

Daniel Bertschinger, Nicolas El Maalouly, Till Miltzow, Patrick Schnider, Simon Weber

Research output: Working paperPreprintAcademic


Let P be a simple polygon, then the art gallery problem is looking for a minimum set of points (guards) that can see every point in P. We say two points a,b∈P can see each other if the line segment seg(a,b) is contained in P. We denote by V(P) the family of all minimum guard placements. The Hausdorff distance makes V(P) a metric space and thus a topological space. We show homotopy-universality, that is for every semi-algebraic set S there is a polygon P such that V(P) is homotopy equivalent to S.
Furthermore, for various concrete topological spaces T, we describe instances I of the art gallery problem such that V(I) is homeomorphic to T.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 9 Aug 2021


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