Timescale of interactions in a Bose-Einstein condensate of photons

M. Scholten, S. Greveling, D. van Oosten

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterAcademic


Recent experiments in our group have suggested that Bose-Einstein condensates of photons are weakly interactive. To understand the mechanism of these interactions, insight in to their timescale is essential.
We vary the duration of the pulsed experiment between 100 ns and 2500 ns and looked at the growth of the condensate as a function of the number of condensate photons. Next we replace the single pump pulse with a double pulse, varying the time between the pulses ranging from a few nanoseconds to several microseconds.
On this poster we will report on the experimental results and the implications for the interaction mechanism.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 22 Jan 2019
EventPhysics@Veldhoven 2019 - NH Conference Center Koningshof, Veldhoven, Netherlands
Duration: 22 Jan 201923 Jan 2019


ConferencePhysics@Veldhoven 2019
Internet address

Bibliographical note

Poster at Conference "Physics@Veldhoven" in Veldhoven


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