"Theoretische Probleme und Grundlagen der ökologischen Forschung in Stadtregionen und Industrielandschaften" im Förderschwerpunkt "Stadtökologie" des BMBF: Schlußbericht für das Vorhaben 07SIO20 6 ; Berichtszeitraum: 12.6.1995 - 29.2.1996

Translated title of the contribution: Theoretical problems and foundations of ecological research in urban regions and industrial landscapes within the priority funding area "Urban Ecology"of the BMBF, German Federal Ministry: Final Report of the Project 07SIO20 6 1995-1996

Jürgen Friedrichs, Kirsten Hollaender

Research output: Other contributionOther research output


Report on the findings of the project
Translated title of the contributionTheoretical problems and foundations of ecological research in urban regions and industrial landscapes within the priority funding area "Urban Ecology"of the BMBF, German Federal Ministry: Final Report of the Project 07SIO20 6 1995-1996
Original languageGerman
TypeProject Report Final Report BMBF
PublisherForschungsinstitut fur Soziologie
Number of pages36
Place of PublicationKöln
Publication statusPublished - 1996
Externally publishedYes


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