The use of videos and classroom artefacts in professional development of teachers and teacher educators in Indonesia

Wanty Widjaja, Maarten Dolk

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review


This study is grounded on adaptations of Realistic Mathematics Education, Lesson Study and design-based research in Indonesian classroom contexts. Design-based research has gained currency in educational research over the past decade due to its strength to bridge the divide between theoretical research and educational practice in naturalistic settings. Design-based approaches involve a process of designing mathematical tasks, observing the enacted design in classrooms and reflecting on the process from analysing the classroom artefacts. Video plays a central role in supporting teachers and teacher educators to study and reflect on students’ mathematical thinking and in capturing the dynamic of classroom teaching and learning process. This chapter will examine and analyse practitioners’ lenses in capturing the dynamic and complexity of classroom mathematical learning using video vignettes and classroom artefacts including digital photos of classroom moments and students’ work. Practitioners’ lenses are taken as a window to capture key teaching and learning moments from the lessons. Analysis of this selection of these video vignettes along with other classroom artefacts based on practitioners’ lenses provides insights into practitioners’ views on key teaching and learning moments in mathematics lessons.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCases of Mathematics Professional Development in East Asian Countries: Using Video to Support Grounded Analysis
Number of pages24
ISBN (Print)9789812874054, 9789812874047
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2015


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