The (Self-)Governance of Community Energy: Challenges & Prospects

J.G. Hoffman, Flor Avelino, Rik Bosman, Geerte Paradies, Niki Frantzeskaki, Bonno Pel, Sanne Akerboom, Daniel Scholten, Philip Boontje, Julia Witmayer

Research output: Book/ReportReportAcademic


Community energy is emerging as an intriguing new way of organizing the energy system. It fits very well to discourses on sustainability, but also to more neo-liberal ideas of self-reliance and independence. At the same time, its development challenges existing (energy) structures and raises questions about the (self-) governance of community energy. In this practice brief, we identify challenges and provide recommendations for initiators of community energy projects and for (local) governments, businesses and third sector organisations. Abstract: Community energy is emerging as an intriguing new way of organizing the energy system. It fits very well to discourses on sustainability, but also to more neo-liberal ideas of self-reliance and independence. At the same time, its development challenges existing (energy) structures and raises questions about the (self-)governance of community energy. In this practice brief, we identify challenges and provide recommendations for initiators of community energy projects and for (local) governments, businesses and third sector organisations.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Externally publishedYes


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