The reception of relativity in the Netherlands

J. van Besouw, J.A.E.F. van Dongen

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review


    This article reviews the early academic and public reception of Albert Einstein's theory of relativity in the Netherlands, particularly after Arthur Eddington's eclipse experiments of 1919. Initially, not much attention was given to relativity, as it did not seem an improvement over Hendrik A. Lorentz' work. This changed after the arrival in Leiden of Paul Ehrenfest. Soon relativity was much studied and lead to controversy among a number of conservative intellectuals, as elsewhere in Europe. The tone of Dutch critics was much more mild, however. This can be understood when one considers Dutch neutrality during World War I. Einstein's political positions were generally positively perceived in Holland, which Dutch academics put to use in their efforts at international reconciliation abroad, and the presentation of theoretical physics at home.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationPhysics as a calling, science for society. Studies in honour of A.J. Kox
    EditorsA. Maas, H. Schatz
    Place of PublicationAmsterdam
    PublisherLeiden Publications
    Number of pages22
    ISBN (Print)978-90-8728-198-4
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


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