The odd man out? Might climate explain the lower tree alpha-diversity of African rain forests relative to Amazonian rain forests?

I. Parmentier, Y. Malhi, B. Senterre, R.J. Whittaker, A. Alonso, M.P.B. Balinga, A. Bakayoko, F. Bongers, C. Chatelain, J. Comiskey, R. Cortay, M.N. Djuikouo Kamdem, J.L. Doucet, L. Gauier, W.D. Hawthorne, Y.A. Issembe, N.F. Kouame, L. Kouka, M.E. Leal, J. LejolyS.L. Lewis, D. Newbery, L. Nusbaumer, M. Parren, K.S.-H. Peh, O.L. Phillips, L. Poorter, D. Sheil, B. Sonke, M.S.M. Sosef, T. Sunderland, J. Stropp, H. ter Steege, M. Swaine, P. Tchouto, B. van Gemerden, J. van Valkenburg, H. We

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Pages (from-to)1058-1071
Number of pages14
JournalJournal of Ecology
Publication statusPublished - 2007


  • Plant biology (Botany)
  • Life sciences
  • Biologie/Milieukunde (BIOL)

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