The LIFESTYLE study: consts and effects of a structured lifestyle program in overweight and obese subfertile women to reduce the need for fertility treatment and improve reproductive outcome. A randomised controlled trial.

M.A.Q. Mutsaerts, H. Groen, N.C. ter Bogt, J.H.T. Bolster, J.A. Land, W.J.E. Bemelmans, W.K.H. Kuchenbecker, P.G. Hompes, N.S. Macklon, R.P. Stolk, F van der Veen, J.W. Maas, N.F. Klijn, E.M. Kaaijk, G.J.E. Oosterhuis, P.X.J.M. Bouckaert, J.M. Schierbeek, Y.M. van Kasteren, AW Nap, F.J.M. BroekmansE.A. Brinkhuis, C.A.M. Koks, J.M. Burggraaff, A.S. Blankhart, D.A.M. Perquin, M.H. Gerards, R.J. Mulder, E.T.C.M. Gondrie, B.W.J. Mol, A. Hoek

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)10-22
Number of pages13
JournalBMC Women's Health [E]
Publication statusPublished - 2010

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