The job crafting intervention: Effects on job resources, self-efficacy, and affective well-being

Machteld van den Heuvel*, Evangelia Demerouti, Maria Peeters

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This quasi-experimental field study examines the effects of an intervention designed to boost job resources, affective well-being, and self-efficacy via job crafting behaviour. Employees (n = 39) in a Dutch police district received a 1-day training, after which they worked towards self-set crafting goals for a period of 4 weeks. The intervention concluded with a half-day reflection session in which learning points were consolidated. Participating in the intervention was expected to boost job resources such as opportunities for development and leader-member exchange (LMX), as well as enhance self-efficacy and positive affect and to reduce negative affect. Repeated measures ANOVAs did not yield significant results. However, pre-post comparison tests showed that the intervention group reported less negative affect as well as increased self-efficacy, developmental opportunities and LMX in the post-measure compared with the pre-measure. The control group (n = 47) showed no significant changes from pre- to post-measure. In addition, in weeks during which individuals sought more resources, they also reported more developmental opportunities, LMX, and positive affect. Although further research is needed, the job crafting intervention seems to have potential to enable employees to proactively build a motivating work environment and to improve their own well-being.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)511-532
Number of pages22
JournalJournal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2015


  • Affective well-being
  • Intervention
  • Job crafting
  • Job resources
  • Self-efficacy


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