The effects of lateral variations in rock composition and texture on anhydrite caprock integrity of CO2 storage systems

S. J T Hangx*, A. M H Pluymakers, A. Ten Hove, C. J. Spiers

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We investigated the effect of rock texture and composition on the mechanical strength and volumetric behaviour of anhydrite-rich caprock. Conventional triaxial experiments were performed at 80°C, confining pressures of 1.5-35MPa and strain rates of ~10-5s-1, both dry and in the presence of fluids. We determined the failure envelope, and the effect of fluids upon it, for anhydrite displaying an equigranular texture consisting of euhedral grains. We observed a general pattern of increasing peak compressive strength with increasing confining pressure, consistent with a previous study on anhydrite from the same formation, which showed an irregular texture consisting of interlocking, acicular grains embedded in a fine-grained matrix. The peak strength of euhedral anhydrite was found to be 15-65% lower than that of acicular anhydrite. No chemical effects were observed for the fluids tested. Hydraulic fracturing experiments showed the tensile strength to be approximately 4MPa for euhedral and 6MPa for acicular anhydrite. We combined the failure envelopes with simple, analytical calculations on the effect of cooling on in-situ stress, showing that tensile caprock failure due to cooling would be unlikely for both types of anhydrite, assuming a hypothetical reservoir at a depth of 3800m. However, it should be noted that tensile failure may pose an issue for shallower reservoirs or weaker caprock formations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)80-92
Number of pages13
JournalInternational Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences
Early online date22 Apr 2014
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • Failure envelope
  • Geomechanical testing
  • Tensile strength
  • Triaxial compression
  • Zechstein formation


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