The effective action of warped M-theory reductions with higher-derivative terms. Part II

Thomas W. Grimm*, Tom G. Pugh, Matthias Weissenbacher

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Abstract: We study the three-dimensional effective action obtained by reducing eleven-dimensional supergravity with higher-derivative terms on a background solution including a warp-factor, an eight-dimensional compact manifold, and fluxes. The dynamical fields are Kähler deformations and vectors from the M-theory three-form. We show that the potential is only induced by fluxes and the naive contributions obtained from higher-curvature terms on a Calabi-Yau background vanish once the back-reaction to the full solution is taken into account. For the resulting three-dimensional action we analyse the Kähler potential and complex coordinates and show compatibility with N=2 supersymmetry. We argue that the higher-order result is also compatible with a no-scale condition. We find that the complex coordinates should be formulated as divisor integrals for which a non-trivial interplay between the warp-factor terms and the higher-curvature terms allow a derivation of the moduli space metric. This leads us to discuss higher-derivative corrections to the M5-brane action.

Original languageEnglish
Article number117
Pages (from-to)1-25
Number of pages25
JournalJournal of High Energy Physics
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2015


  • Flux compactifications
  • M-Theory
  • Supergravity Models
  • Supersymmetric Effective Theories


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