The Dark Age of the Lowlands in an interdisciplinary light: People, landscape and climate in The Netherlands between AD 300 and 1000

Esther Jansma, Kim Cohen, Hans Middelkoop, Rowin van Lanen, Esther Stouthamer, Harm Jan Pierik, Marjolein Gouw - Bouman, Wim Hoek, Bert Groenewoudt

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Since 2007 the Faculties of Geosciences and Humanities at UtrechtUniversity collaborate with the Cultural Heritage Agency of The Nether-lands in studies on palaeolandscapes and past human-landscape interac-tions. The aim is to bridge gaps between historical and natural science-based approaches in studies of the human past, amongst others by stim-ulating joint research and further interactions between archaeologists,historians and geoscientists. The research program The Dark Age of the Lowlands in an interdisciplinary light, funded by The NetherlandsOrgan-ization for Scientific Research (NWO, 2012-2017) and managed at thedepartment of Physical Geography at Utrecht University, is part of this collaboration.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)471-476
JournalEuropean Journal of Postclassical Archaeologies
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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