The CFTR P67L variant reveals a key role for N-terminal lasso helices in channel folding, maturation, and pharmacologic rescue

Carleen Mae Sabusap, Disha Joshi, Luba Simhaev, Kathryn E. Oliver, Hanoch Senderowitz, Marcel van Willigen, Ineke Braakman, Andras Rab, Eric J. Sorscher*, Jeong S. Hong

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Patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) harboring the P67L variant in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) often exhibit a typical CF phenotype, including severe respiratory compromise. This rare mutation (reported in <300 patients worldwide) responds robustly to CFTR correctors, such as lumacaftor and tezacaftor, with rescue in model systems that far exceed what can be achieved for the archetypical CFTR mutant F508del. However, the specific molecular consequences of the P67L mutation are poorly characterized. In this study, we conducted biochemical measurements following low-temperature growth and/or intragenic suppression, which suggest a mechanism underlying P67L that (1) shares key pathogenic features with F508del, including off-pathway (nonnative) folding intermediates, (2) is linked to folding stability of nucleotide-binding domains 1 and 2, and (3) demonstrates pharmacologic rescue that requires domains in the carboxyl half of the protein. We also investigated the “lasso” helices 1 and 2, which occur immediately upstream of P67. Based on limited proteolysis, pulse chase, and molecular dynamics analysis of full-length CFTR and a series of deletion constructs, we argue that P67L and other maturational processing (class 2) defects impair the integrity of the lasso motif and confer misfolding of downstream domains. Thus, amino-terminal missense variants elicit a conformational change throughout CFTR that abrogates maturation while providing a robust substrate for pharmacologic repair.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100598
Pages (from-to)1-16
JournalJournal of Biological Chemistry
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2021


  • Cell Line
  • Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator/chemistry
  • Humans
  • Molecular Dynamics Simulation
  • Mutation
  • Protein Conformation, alpha-Helical
  • Protein Folding


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