The accuracy of pre-programme predictors across types of academic success academic success

Linda van Ooijen - van der Linden, Susan te Pas, Roos van Lin, Liesbeth Woertman, Maarten van der Smagt

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic


Psychology bachelor programmes are broad scientific programmes comprising both knowledge on behaviour and psychological theories and extensive research- and professional-skills training. Selective programmes need accurate, programme-specific predictions of academic success.

We investigated, using a signal detection approach, whether our previously validated academic- success predictors (prior academic achievement, a programme-specific admission test score, a psychosocial score, and their combined score; van Ooijen-van der Linden et. al., 2017, 2018) differentially predicted specific types of academic success, in two psychology bachelor cohorts.

Types of academic success were operationalised as theoretical-courses mean-grade, research-skills- courses mean-grade and professional-skills-courses mean-grade across the programme.

Results show that the most accurate predictions were for success in theoretical courses. This result may be intuitive, since both secondary and tertiary education, and the admission test, are more comparable in teaching and testing theoretical knowledge than in research skills and professional skills.

However, focus groups with both students, their tutors as well as teachers, determined academic success to surpass both knowledge and skills as graded in courses, and to result primarily from reciprocal personal and collaborative efforts. Such comprehensive academic success requires a more process- and community-based approach of education, and thus of selection procedures as well.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2019
EventESPLAT conference 2019: Teaching and learning to foster the psychologist of the future - Paushuize, Utrecht, Netherlands
Duration: 25 Sept 201927 Sept 2019


ConferenceESPLAT conference 2019
Internet address


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