The 2D:4D digit ratio and susceptibility to immune-related disease

A.M. Fernstrand, D. Bury, L.M.H. Lensvelt, L.L.A. Ribbert, A.C. De With, L.X.Y. Goede, J. Garssen, J.C. Verster

Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting AbstractAcademic


Background: Amniotic fluid sample analysis revealed a significant relationship between prenatal testosterone - produced by the fetus - and adult disease susceptibility. The 2D:4D digit ratio is a biological correlate for prenatal testosterone exposure. The purpose of this study was to determine if the 2D:4D digit ratio is related to susceptibility to atopic diseases. Methods: A survey was held among N = 557 Dutch students. In addition to demographics, overall perceived health and immune status was scored on a scale ranging from 0 (very poor) to 10 (excellent). Further, past year's presence, severity and duration of common cold, fever, allergic rhinitis, eczema, and asthma were recorded. For both hands, digit length of the second (2D, index finger) an fourth (4D, ring finger) finger were measured using digital vernier calipers recording to 0.01 mm. The 2D:4D digit ratio was correlated to atopic disease scores, overall and for female and male participants separate. In addition, subjects with a hawk-type (2D:4D <1) and dove-type personality (2D:4D > 1) were compared. Results: Data from N = 509 subjects was used in the statistical analyses, N = 143 (28.1% of them were men. The right 2D:4D digit ratio correlated significantly with the general health rating (r = -0.096, P = 0.032). The left 2D:4D digit ratio correlated significantly with the number of common cold days (r = -0.108, P = 0.019). Subjects with a left 2D:4D <1 reported more common cold days (P = 0.052). For men, the left 2D:4D digit ratio correlated significantly with perceived immune status (r = 0.191, P = 0.023), and the right 2D:4D digit ratio with the number of fever days (r = -0.387, P = 0.009). Men with a right 2D:4D >1 reported having significantly more periods of fever (P = 0.029). Allergic rhinitis (P = 0.08) and eczema (P = 0.06) were also more commonly experienced. In women, the right 2D:4D digit ratio also correlated significantly with general health (r = -0.115, P = 0.029). Women with a left 2D:4D <1 reported significantly more severe common cold scores. Discussion: The data suggest that a 2D:4D > 1 is associated with increased presence, duration, and severity of fever and atopic diseases such as allergic rhinitis and eczema. A 2D:4D <1 was associated with reduced perceived immune status and increased presence, duration and severity of common cold. Research in diagnosed patient populations should confirm our findings.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)562
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2015


  • testosterone
  • allergy
  • clinical immunology
  • European
  • human
  • common cold
  • fever
  • male
  • allergic rhinitis
  • immune status
  • eczema
  • female
  • health
  • atopy
  • disease predisposition
  • population
  • statistical analysis
  • adult disease
  • personality
  • dove
  • hawk
  • recording
  • caliper
  • student
  • fetus
  • index finger
  • asthma
  • patient
  • exposure
  • amnion fluid


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