Temperature quenching of yellow Ce3+ luminescence in YAG:Ce

V.M. Bachmann, R.C. Ronda, A. Meijerink

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Yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) doped with Ce3+ is the phosphor of choice for the conversion of blue to yellow light in the rapidly expanding market of white light LEDs, but it is generally thought to suffer from a low luminescence quenching temperature. The luminescence quenching temperature is an important parameter, especially in high-power LEDs, but surprisingly no systematic research has been done to measure and understand the temperature quenching of the yellow Ce luminescence in YAG:Ce. Here we report on the luminescence temperature quenching in YAG:Ce. For a wide range of Ce concentrations (between 0.033% and 3.3%) the temperature dependence of the emission intensity and the luminescence lifetimes are reported. The intrinsic quenching temperature of the Ce luminescence is shown to be very high (>700 K). The lower quenching temperatures reported in the literature are explained by thermally activated concentration quenching (for highly doped systems) and the temperature dependence of the oscillator strength (for low doping concentrations). In addition, high-resolution spectra are reported, which provide insight into the position of the zero-phonon transition (20450 cm-1), the Stokes shift (2400 cm-1), the energy of the dominant phonon mode (200 cm-1), and the Huang-Rhys parameter (S ) 6). These parameters are compared with ab initio calculations on the position of and relaxation in the excited 5d state of Ce3+ in YAG, which can aid in providing a better theoretical understanding of the temperature quenching.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Pages (from-to)2077-2084
Number of pages8
JournalChemistry of Materials
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 2009

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