Teaching strategies to elicit excellence in higher education

Marca Wolfensberger, Roeland M. van der Rijst

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic


    Pedagogy for gifted and talented students in higher education is the main topic of this study. Teachers of educational programmes designed for talented or highly motivated students in higher education (here called honours programmes) are challenged to stimulate students to increase the quality of their academic achievements. However, systematically acquired knowledge on effective teaching strategies for motivated and talented students above the age of 18 is limited (Heller, Mßnks, Sternberg & Subotnik, 2000). The aim of this study is to augment the existing body of knowledge. Firstly to reflect on this knowledge from different perspectives, secondly by a mix-method research, analysing multi-institutional data collected in the United States and the Netherlands about teachers perception on teaching strategies for gifted and motivated students in higher education. The theoretical perspectives behind this study focus on (1) theories about giftedness, (2) motivational theories and (3) on studies on honours programmes.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2011

    Bibliographical note

    In L. McAlpine (Chair), An international perspective on stimulating excellence in higher education. Symposium conducted at the biennale meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Exeter, UK. EARLI congres 30 augustus - 3 september 2011


    • hoger onderwijs
    • stimulatie
    • excellentie
    • higher education
    • stimulation
    • excellence


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