T1 and T1rho Relaxation in Equine Groove Model of Cartilage Damage

Olli Nykänen, Nina E Hänninen, Swetha Pala, Ali Mohammadi, Mohammadhossein Ebrahimi, Nikae te Moller, Harold Brommer, René van Weeren, Janne T A Mäkelä, Rami K. Korhonen, Juha Töyräs, Mikko J Nissi

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterAcademic


In this study, we examined the T1 and T1rho relaxation times of surgically damaged articular cartilage of equine carpal joints. Two different damage models (sharp and blunt grooves), inducing variation into the type of cartilage damage, were examined. The study revealed that adiabatic T1rho relaxation time is significantly increased in the bluntly damaged cartilage when compared to control cartilage. No significant differences between different damage models or between sharply damaged and control groups were seen for either T1 or T1rho relaxation. Moreover, both relaxation times correlated moderately (R≈0.65) with equilibrium modulus of articular cartilage.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 19 May 2021
EventISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition -
Duration: 15 May 202120 May 2021


ConferenceISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Abbreviated titleISMRM 2021
Internet address


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