Summary of the ISEV workshop on extracellular vesicles as disease biomarkers, held in Birmingham, UK, during December 2017

Aled Clayton*, Dominik Buschmann, J Brian Byrd, David R F Carter, Lesley Cheng, Carolyn Compton, George Daaboul, Andrew Devitt, Juan Manuel Falcon-Perez, Chris Gardiner, Dakota Gustafson, Paul Harrison, Clemens Helmbrecht, An Hendrix, Andrew Hill, Andrew Hoffman, Jennifer C Jones, Raghu Kalluri, Ji Yoon Kang, Benedikt KirchnerCecilia Lässer, Charlotte Lawson, Metka Lenassi, Carina Levin, Alicia Llorente, Elena S Martens-Uzunova, Andreas Möller, Luca Musante, Takahiro Ochiya, Ryan C Pink, Hidetoshi Tahara, Marca H M Wauben, Jason P Webber, Joshua A Welsh, Kenneth W Witwer, Hang Yin, Rienk Nieuwland

*Corresponding author for this work

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


    This report summarises the presentations and activities of the ISEV Workshop on extracellular vesicle biomarkers held in Birmingham, UK during December 2017. Among the key messages was broad agreement about the importance of biospecimen science. Much greater attention needs to be paid towards the provenance of collected samples. The workshop also highlighted clear gaps in our knowledge about pre-analytical factors that alter extracellular vesicles (EVs). The future utility of certified standards for credentialing of instruments and software, to analyse EV and for tracking the influence of isolation steps on the structure and content of EVs were also discussed. Several example studies were presented, demonstrating the potential utility for EVs in disease diagnosis, prognosis, longitudinal serial testing and stratification of patients. The conclusion of the workshop was that more effort focused on pre-analytical issues and benchmarking of isolation methods is needed to strengthen collaborations and advance more effective biomarkers.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number1473707
    Pages (from-to)1-11
    Number of pages11
    JournalJournal of Extracellular Vesicles
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - Dec 2018


    • Biomarkers
    • extracellularvesicles
    • exosomes
    • cancer
    • serum
    • plasma
    • urine


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