Summary of a workshop on regulatory acceptance of (Q)SARs for human health and environmental endpoints

Joanna S. Jaworska, M. Comber, C. Auer, C.J. Van Leeuwen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


The "Workshop on Regulatory Use of (Q)SARs for Human Health and Environmental Endpoints," organized by the European Chemical Industry Council and the International Council of Chemical Associations, gathered more than 60 human health and environmental experts from industry, academia, and regulatory agencies from around the world. They agreed, especially industry and regulatory authorities, that the workshop initiated great potential for the further development and use of predictive models, that is, quantitative structure-activity relationships [(Q)SARs], for chemicals management in a much broader scope than is currently the case. To increase confidence in (Q)SAR predictions and minimization of their misuse, the workshop aimed to develop proposals for guidance and acceptability criteria. The workshop also described the broad outline of a system that would apply that guidance and acceptability criteria to a (Q)SAR when used for chemical management purposes, including priority setting, risk assessment, and classification and labeling.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1358-1360
Number of pages3
JournalEnvironmental Health Perspectives
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2003


  • Quantitative structure-activity relationships
  • Regulatory acceptance
  • article
  • chemical industry
  • classification
  • environmental health
  • health status
  • human
  • legal aspect
  • organization
  • practice guideline
  • prediction
  • priority journal
  • quantitative structure activity relation
  • risk assessment
  • statistical model
  • workshop


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