Stir in stillness: A study in the foundations of equilibrium statistical mechanics

Research output: ThesisDoctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU)


The goal of this dissertation has been to investigate whether and how SM is (or can
be made) a satisfactory theory for thermal phenomena of systems in equilibrium.
This central research question splits into two separate parts: Can SM reproduce
the empirically successful predictions of TD? And can it do so in a conceptually
satisfactory way, i.e. by giving explanations in micromechanical terms? Now it is
time to review whether this goal has been achieved. In the different parts of this
dissertation I have treated different kinds of thermal phenomena, i.e. different parts
of TD that SM has to reproduce. Part III dealt with the question why the phase
averaging method is successful. This question addresses a very central feature of
the statistical mechanical method, because it affects the relation between thermal
obervables and ensemble theory. With respect to this topic only the second of the
above questions had to be addressed, since the way in which thermodynamic results
can be reproduced is undisputed here. With respect to the topics of Part II and Part
IV also the question of how SM can reproduce thermodynamic predictions had to
be addressed. The thermal phenomena at issue in these Parts are those connected to
the notion of entropy, and the approach to equilibrium.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • Utrecht University
  • Dieks, D.G.B.J., Primary supervisor
  • Uffink, Jozef, Co-supervisor
Award date11 Jun 2001
Print ISBNs 90-393-2747-5
Publication statusPublished - 11 Jun 2001


  • thermodynamics
  • statistical mechanics
  • foundations
  • equilibrium
  • interpretation
  • probability
  • entropy
  • ergodic theory
  • reduction
  • physics


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