title = "Stimulation of early mathematical competence",
keywords = "Niet-toepassingsgericht onderzoek, Pedagogy, Psychologie, Maatschappelijke structuren en relaties, Logic, Menswetenschappen, Pedagogie en Andragogie/Onderwijskunde (PEAN), Sociale wetenschappen, Adolescent and child psychology,m,m,, Overig maatschappelijk onderzoek, Construerende Technische Wetenschappen, Psychology, Pedagogiek",
author = "{van Luit}, J.E.H. and {van de Rijt}, B.A.M.",
year = "1998",
language = "Undefined/Unknown",
publisher = "CD-B Press",
pages = "215--237",
editor = "M. Beishuizen and K.P.E. Gravemeijer and {van Lieshout}, E.C.D.M.",
booktitle = "The role of contexts and models in the development of mathematical strategies and procedures",