Stimulating development of innovative medicines in the European Union: does a new definition for unmet medical need add value?

Lourens T Bloem*, Hubert G M Leufkens, Sophie E Berends, Rick A Vreman, Carla E M Hollak, Sonja van Weely, Larissa M de Lannoy, Peter J A Bertens, Anna M G Pasmooij*

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


The European Commission (EC) has proposed to redefine ‘unmet medical need’ to steer pharmaceutical innovation and link the definition to incentives and regulatory tools and procedures. A multistakeholder meeting of the Regulatory Science Network Netherlands (RSNN) discussed the impact of this proposal. Four principles were highlighted (flexibility, feasibility, fairness, and sensitivity to risk) that were not considered sufficiently addressed. Concerns were raised about whether innovation would be incentivised, given the diverse and complex reasons why areas of unmet medical need may remain unaddressed. A more high-level definition of unmet medical need that gives guidance but allows for specification for specific uses throughout the medicine lifecycle was generally preferred. As the legislative process unfolds, stakeholder engagement will be essential to refine the definition to achieve the intended policy goals.

Original languageEnglish
Article number104251
JournalDrug Discovery Today
Issue number1
Early online date26 Nov 2024
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2025


  • European Commission
  • European Medicines Agency
  • European Union
  • drug development
  • incentives
  • innovation
  • medicine regulation
  • unmet medical need


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