Stability and Reactivity of epsilon-chi-theta Iron Carbide Catalyst Phases in Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis: Controlling mu(c)

E. de Smit, F. Cinquini, A.M. Beale, O.V. Safonova, W. van Beek, P. Sautet, B.M. Weckhuysen

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The stability and reactivity of epsilon, chi, and theta iron carbide phases in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FTS) catalysts as a function of relevant reaction conditions was investigated by a synergistic combination of experimental and theoretical methods. Combined in situ X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy/X-ray Diffraction/Raman Spectroscopy was applied to study Fe-based catalysts during pretreatment and, for the first time, at relevant high pressure Fischer-Tropsch synthesis conditions, while Density Functional Theory calculations formed a fundamental basis for understanding the influence of pretreatment and FTS conditions on the formation of bulk iron carbide phases. By combining theory and experiment, it was found that the formation of theta-Fe3C, chi-Fe5C2, and e-carbides can be explained by their relative thermodynamic stability as imposed by gas phase composition and temperature. Furthermore, it was shown that a significant part of the Fe phases was present as amorphous carbide phases during high pressure FTS, sometimes in an equivalent amount to the crystalline iron carbide fraction. A catalyst containing mainly crystalline chi-Fe5C2 was highly susceptible to oxidation during FTS conditions, while a catalyst containing theta-Fe3C and amorphous carbide phases showed a lower activity and selectivity, mainly due to the buildup of carbonaceous deposits on the catalyst surface, suggesting that amorphous phases and the resulting textural properties play an important role in determining final catalyst performance. The findings further uncovered the thermodynamic and kinetic factors inducing the epsilon-chi-theta carbide transformation as a function of the carbon chemical potential mu(c).
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)14928-14941
Number of pages14
JournalJournal of the American Chemical Society
Issue number42
Publication statusPublished - 27 Oct 2010


  • Ray-absorption spectroscopy
  • Ab-initio
  • Mossbauer-spectroscopy
  • Crystal-structures
  • Carbon-monoxide
  • Diffraction
  • Surfaces
  • Fe3c
  • Identification
  • Hydrogenation


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