Squamous gastric ulceration complicated by gastric stenosis in a foal

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A 2-month-old Warmblood colt presented with recurrent colic and regurgitation. Gastroscopy, performed on several occasions, and barium-contrast radiography revealed severe squamous gastric ulceration and stenosis at the level of the margo plicatus. Treatment with omeprazole reduced the extent and severity of the gastric ulcers but did not affect the stenosis. The foal was euthanised because of a poor prognosis, and post-mortem examination confirmed the clinical diagnosis. Severe squamous gastric ulceration, granulation tissue formation and cicatrisation of deep gastric lesions were considered to have caused the stenosis. Gastroduodenal outflow obstruction is a recognised disorder in foals, but stenosis at the level of the margo plicatus has not been reported in foals or adult horses. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first case of severe squamous gastric ulceration, complicated by stenosis at the level of the margo plicatus, in a foal. Although rare, gastric stenosis should be considered in foals suffering recurrent colic and regurgitation
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)e369-e374
JournalEquine Veterinary Education
Issue number9
Early online date1 Oct 2021
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2022


  • gastric outflow obstruction
  • gastric ulceration
  • horse
  • regurgitation


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