Spotlight on Film Festivals in Ukraine Today: Accounts, Responses, Calls to Action

Marijke de Valck, Skadi Loist

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


This roundtable begins with each festival organizer explaining how the outbreak of the current war in Ukraine affected the planning and organizing of their respective film festivals. The discussion that unfolds conveys that the festival organizers stand quite united in their responses to the situation, despite differences in geographic proximity to ongoing hostilities on the ground and opportunities available for drafting up alternative scenarios. They engage in cultural diplomacy and collaborate with international colleagues to create visibility for Ukrainian culture and people. Moreover, there is a shared belief in the need for a boycott of Russian culture. The edited transcript presents detailed argumentation in favor of the Russian cultural boycott as well as responses to concrete issues that had media coverage. Other themes discussed concern the role cinema and film festivals can play in the face of war. The participants acknowledge the trauma that is being inflicted on the Ukrainian people and express hope that safety will be restored quickly, for this is a basic condition necessary to start thinking about and giving substance to the role of cinema and film festivals in dealing with the trauma of war.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)116-134
JournalJournal of Festive Studies
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 23 Feb 2023
EventSpotlight on Festivals in the Ukraine today!: NECS online event - Zoom
Duration: 6 Apr 20226 Apr 2022


  • film festivals
  • Ukraine
  • War
  • Boycott of Russian Culture
  • cultural diplomacy
  • Trauma


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