Species diversity in Pseudocercospora

J.Z. Groenewald, Y.Y. Chen*, Y. Zhang, J. Roux, H.‐D. Shin, R.G. Shivas, B.A. Summerell, U. Braun, A.C. Alfenas, A.H. Ujat, C. Nakashima, P.W. Crous*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Species of Pseudocercospora are commonly associated with leaf and fruit spots on diverse plant hosts in
sub-tropical and tropical regions. Pseudocercospora spp. have mycosphaerella-like sexual morphs, but represent a
distinct genus in Mycosphaerellaceae (Mycosphaerellales, Dothideomycetes). The present study adds a further 29
novel species of Pseudocercospora from 413 host species representing 297 host genera occurring in 60 countries and
designates four epitypes and one lectotype for established names. This study recognises 329 species names, with
an additional 69 phylogenetic lineages remaining unnamed due to difficulty in being able to unambiguously apply
existing names to those lineages. To help elucidate the taxonomy of these species, a phylogenetic tree was generated
from multi-locus DNA sequence data of the internal transcribed spacers and intervening 5.8S nuclear nrRNA gene
(ITS), partial actin (actA), and partial translation elongation factor 1-alpha (tef1), as well as the partial DNA-directed
RNA polymerase II second largest subunit (rpb2) gene sequences. Novel species described in this study include those
from various countries as follows: Australia, Ps. acaciicola from leaf spots on Acacia sp., Ps. anopter from leaf spots
on Anopterus glandulosus, Ps. asplenii from leaf spots on Asplenium dimorphum, Ps. australiensis from leaf spots
on Eucalyptus gunnii, Ps. badjensis from leaf spots on Eucalyptus badjensis, Ps. erythrophloeicola from leaf spots on
Erythrophleum chlorostachys, Ps. grevilleae from leaf spots on Grevillea sp., Ps. lophostemonigena from leaf spots
on Lophostemon confertus, Ps. lophostemonis from leaf spots on Lophostemon lactifluus, Ps. paramacadamiae from
leaf spots on Macadamia integrifolia, Ps. persooniae from leaf spots on Persoonia sp., Ps. pultenaeae from leaf spots
on Pultenaea daphnoides, Ps. tristaniopsidis from leaf spots on Tristaniopsis collina, Ps. victoriae from leaf spots on
Eucalyptus globoidea. Brazil, Ps. musigena from leaf spots on Musa sp. China, Ps. lonicerae-japonicae from leaf spots
on Lonicera japonica, Ps. rubigena leaf spots on Rubus sp. France (Réunion), Ps. wingfieldii from leaf spots on Acacia
heterophylla. Malaysia, Ps. musarum from leaf spots on Musa sp. Netherlands, Ps. rhododendri from leaf spots on
Rhododendron sp. South Africa, Ps. balanitis from leaf spots on Balanites sp., Ps. dovyalidicola from leaf spots on
Dovyalis zeyheri, Ps. encephalarticola from leaf spots on Encephalartos sp. South Korea, Ps. grewiana from leaf spots
on Grewia biloba, Ps. parakaki from leaf spots on Diospyros kaki, Ps. pseudocydoniae from leaf spots on Chaenomeles
lagenaria, Ps. paracydoniae from leaf spots on Chaenomeles speciosa. Thailand, Ps. acerigena from leaf spots on Acer
sp., Ps. tectonigena from leaf spots on Tectona grandis. Epitypes are designated for Cercospora bonjeaneae-rectae,
Cercospora halleriae, Ps. eucleae, and an epitype as well as a lectotype for Ps. macadamiae. Results obtained in the
present study contribute to a better understanding of the host specificity and distribution in Pseudocercospora spp.,
many of which represent important pathogens of food or fibre crops, or organisms of quarantine concern.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)29-89
JournalFungal Systematics and Evolution
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jun 2024


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