Spatial correlations of dark energy from quantum fluctuations during inflation

Enis Belgacem, Tomislav Prokopec

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


This paper contains a detailed study of the properties of a simple model attempting to explain dark energy as originated from quantum fluctuations of a light spectator scalar field in inflation. In Belgacem and Prokopec [Phys. Lett. B 831, 137174 (2022)] we recently outlined how Starobinsky's stochastic formalism can be used to study the spatial correlations imprinted on dark energy by its quantum origin in this model and we studied their possible role in relieving the Hubble tension. Here we provide a more comprehensive derivation of the results in Belgacem and Prokopec and we refine some of our estimates, comparing to the approximate results obtained previously. Among the main results, we analyze the noncoincident correlators predicted by a full field theoretical treatment and their relation with those computed within the stochastic formalism. We find that in the region where stochastic theory predicts significant sub-Hubble correlators it is in disagreement with field theoretical predictions. However, agreement can be restored by introducing a reduced speed of sound for the scalar field. We also discuss an alternative approach to the problem of studying correlators within the stochastic formalism based directly on the evolution of probability distributions. We find that the two approaches give the same answer for 2-point functions of the field, but not for 4-point functions relevant to density correlators and we discuss the behavior of the two methods with respect to Wick's theorem.
Original languageEnglish
Article number123514
Number of pages49
JournalPhysical Review D
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 21 Dec 2022


  • Cosmological constant
  • Scalar field
  • Universe


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