Some Syntactic Aspects of Lexical Anaphors in Select Munda Languages

J. Mayuri, Karumuri Subbarao, Martin Everaert, G. Uma Maheshwar Rao

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This paper investigates several syntactic aspects of anaphors (reflexives and reciprocals) in the Munda languages Santali, Mundari, and Ho. We intend to show that verbal reflexivization is an indigenous device, and that nominal reflexivization is a form calqued from neighbouring Indo-Aryan languages. The verbal reflexive device performs other functions, including detransitivizing marker, passive marker, and self-benefactive marker. The nominal reflexive is optional when the verbal reflexive is present, and obligatory when the verbal reflexive is absent. Long-Distance Binding is not permitted when the anaphor occurs in a subcategorized position. Reciprocity is achieved through the infixation of a morpheme -pV- in the main verb, where the vowel V in -pV- harmonizes with the nucleus of the main verb's first syllable. Some verbs have a special form when the verbal anaphor occurs.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)72-83
Number of pages12
JournalMon-Khmer Studies
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • anaphora
  • pronouns
  • language comparison


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