Social Media and Delinquency: Exploring the Relation between Online and Offline Interaction with Friends and Online and Offline Delinquency

D.J. Bunders, Frank Weerman

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


This study explores the relation between online exposure to delinquent behaviour and time spent online
with peers on adolescents’ (traditional and digital) delinquent behaviour, controlled for offline exposure
to delinquent peers and time spent offline with peers. Survey data were collected among two small samples of adolescents: one of 132 mostly older adolescents (M = 18.6, range = 15-27), and one of
66 younger and low educated youths (M = 16, range = 15-17). The results suggest that for the younger
adolescents, online interaction with peers on social media may have a substantial influence on traditional as well as digital delinquent behaviour, but for the older adolescents no statistically independent
effects for the online peer variables were found. The study not only warrants further research but also
demonstrates the usefulness of new methods and approaches to investigate online as well as offline
communication with peers and exposure to peer delinquency.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)283-309
JournalKriminologie - das Online-Journal
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jun 2020


  • delinquency
  • social media
  • peer relations
  • cybercrime
  • online interaction
  • adolescence


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