Singularities and Conjugate Points in FLRW Spacetimes

Huibert het Lam, Tom Prokopec

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Conjugate points play an important role in the proofs of the singularity theorems of Hawking and Penrose. We examine the relation between singularities and conjugate points in FLRW spacetimes with a singularity. In particular we prove a theorem that when a non-comoving, non-spacelike geodesic in a singular FLRW spacetime obeys conditions (39) and (40), every point on that geodesic is part of a pair of conjugate points. The proof is based on the Raychaudhuri equation. We find that the theorem is applicable to all non-comoving, non-spacelike geodesics in FLRW spacetimes with non-negative spatial curvature and scale factors that near the singularity have power law behavior or power law behavior times a logarithm. When the spatial curvature is negative, the theorem is applicable to a subset of these spacetimes.
Original languageEnglish
Article number133
JournalGeneral Relativity and Gravitation
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2017


  • FLRW spacetime
  • Singularity
  • Conjugate points
  • Raychaudhuri equation


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