Singing from the Same Hymn Sheet: Using Social Information Processing Theory to Explain People Management Climate Strength

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperOther research output


In this study, we aim to explain people management climate strength (PMCS). Climate strength has often been examined in relation to human resource (HR) practices. We argue that the implementation of HR practices by supervisors is intertwined with supportive leadership practices and therefore we focus on people management. In addition, HR climate strength has often been approached with Bowen & Ostroff’s framework. However, empirical research provides little empirical evidence for this framework’s antecedents of climate strength. We propose a model in which demographic homogeneity and emotional safety increase PMCS, mediated by interaction among employees. Based on data among teachers in secondary schools, we find support for the hypothesized relationship between emotional safety and PMCS, mediated by interaction among employees.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages41
Publication statusUnpublished - 8 Nov 2017
EventDutch HRM Network Conference - Nijmegen
Duration: 9 Nov 201710 Nov 2017


ConferenceDutch HRM Network Conference


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