Shape-dependent settling velocity of skeletal carbonate grains: Implications for calciturbidites

Arnoud Slootman*, Max de Kruijf, Guenther Glatz, Joris T. Eggenhuisen, Rainer Zühlke, John J.G. Reijmer

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Particle transport and deposition in turbidity currents is governed by the balance between turbulent suspension and gravitational settling, with settling velocity becoming dominant during the final rain-out phases of decelerated turbidity currents on lobes. Differential particle settling velocities play a role in the sorting of grains in turbidity currents; there is a preference of grains with higher settling velocities to be deposited first, yielding a settling-velocity gradient in vertical and longitudinal cross-sections through turbidite beds. If sediments contain little variation in particle shape and density (for example, siliciclastics), then settling velocity is dominantly controlled by grain size. Carbonate sediments, in contrast, are composed of non-skeletal and skeletal grains with various growth structures, producing a wide distribution of particle shapes (from spheroidal to platy, bladed and elongated forms). The present paper aims to constrain the extent to which shape-dependent differential settling velocities influence sorting mechanisms in carbonate turbidity currents. Experiments using natural skeletal sand were conducted to investigate the settling of carbonate grains in: (i) isolation; (ii) suspension clouds; and (iii) turbidity currents. Size, density and shape parameters, including Corey Shape Factor and Zingg diagrams, were analysed using high-resolution micro-computed tomography. The slower settling of non-spheroidal shapes was quantified. In the sinking suspensions, a sorting mechanism operated through differential velocities yielding an abundance of spheroidal grains at the base and enrichment in less-spheroidal grains towards the top of suspension deposits. This trend was also observed longitudinally in carbonate turbidity currents, for which enhanced advection lengths caused less spheroidal grains to be transported farther into the basin. The effect of particle shape becomes increasingly significant as grain size increases, in particular above medium sand. Carbonate turbidites may therefore be more poorly sorted than siliciclastic turbidites, which is expected to result in lower primary porosity in calciturbidites compared to siliciclastic turbidites.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1683-1722
Number of pages40
Issue number6
Early online date8 May 2023
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2023

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
We are grateful for the financial support received from ARAMCO to JR and AS (CIPR2319 – CRPO6510864832), and additional support by the College of Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences at KFUPM to AS, GG and JR. Discussions with the Geology Technology team at ARAMCO‐EXPEC Advanced Research Center provided useful insights and directions. We thank Prof. Cheung for sharing the Smith & Cheung ( 2003 ) dataset with us. Janneke van Ginkel is thanked for assistance with the suspension‐cloud experiments. Gabriel Yong helped with preliminary experiments with unstoppable enthusiasm. We are indebted to Dr Abdulaziz Al‐Kaabi, Dean of the College of Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences at KFUPM, for his continuous sharing of insights into industry needs. Comments and suggestions by Rafael Manica and three anonymous reviewers, and editors Fabrizio Felletti and Jaco Baas, and Elaine Richardson were invaluable in improving the quality of the manuscript.

Funding Information:
We are grateful for the financial support received from ARAMCO to JR and AS (CIPR2319 – CRPO6510864832), and additional support by the College of Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences at KFUPM to AS, GG and JR. Discussions with the Geology Technology team at ARAMCO-EXPEC Advanced Research Center provided useful insights and directions. We thank Prof. Cheung for sharing the Smith & Cheung (2003) dataset with us. Janneke van Ginkel is thanked for assistance with the suspension-cloud experiments. Gabriel Yong helped with preliminary experiments with unstoppable enthusiasm. We are indebted to Dr Abdulaziz Al-Kaabi, Dean of the College of Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences at KFUPM, for his continuous sharing of insights into industry needs. Comments and suggestions by Rafael Manica and three anonymous reviewers, and editors Fabrizio Felletti and Jaco Baas, and Elaine Richardson were invaluable in improving the quality of the manuscript.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 International Association of Sedimentologists.


We are grateful for the financial support received from ARAMCO to JR and AS (CIPR2319 – CRPO6510864832), and additional support by the College of Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences at KFUPM to AS, GG and JR. Discussions with the Geology Technology team at ARAMCO‐EXPEC Advanced Research Center provided useful insights and directions. We thank Prof. Cheung for sharing the Smith & Cheung ( 2003 ) dataset with us. Janneke van Ginkel is thanked for assistance with the suspension‐cloud experiments. Gabriel Yong helped with preliminary experiments with unstoppable enthusiasm. We are indebted to Dr Abdulaziz Al‐Kaabi, Dean of the College of Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences at KFUPM, for his continuous sharing of insights into industry needs. Comments and suggestions by Rafael Manica and three anonymous reviewers, and editors Fabrizio Felletti and Jaco Baas, and Elaine Richardson were invaluable in improving the quality of the manuscript.

FundersFunder number
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
Saudi AramcoCIPR2319 – CRPO6510864832
College of Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals


    • Calciturbidites
    • calciturbidites
    • carbonate grains
    • experiments
    • micro-CT, particle shape
    • settling velocity


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