Segmentation of Trajectories for Non-Monotone Criteria

Boris Aronov, Anne Driemel, Marc van Kreveld, Maarten Löffler, Frank Staals

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review


    In the trajectory segmentation problem we are given a polygonal trajectory with n vertices that we have to subdivide into a minimum number of disjoint segments (subtrajectories) that all satisfy a given criterion. The problem is known to be solvable efficiently for monotone criteria: criteria with the property that if they hold on a certain segment, they also hold on every subsegment of that segment. To the best of our knowledge, no theoretical results are known for non-monotone criteria. We present a broader study of the segmentation problem, and suggest a general framework for solving it, based on the start-stop diagram: a 2-dimensional diagram that represents all valid and invalid segments of a given trajectory. This yields two subproblems: (i) computing the start-stop diagram, and (ii) finding the optimal segmentation for a given diagram. We show that (ii) is NP-hard in general. However, we identify properties of the start-stop diagram that make the problem tractable, and give a polynomial time algorithm for this case. We study two concrete non-monotone criteria that arise in practical applications in more detail. Both are based on a given univariate attribute function f over the domain of the trajectory. We say a segment satisfies an outlier tolerant criterion if the value of f lies within a certain range for at least a certain percentage of the length of the segment. We say a segment satisfies a standard deviation criterion if the standard deviation of f over the length of the segment lies below a given threshold. We show that both criteria satisfy the properties that make the segmentation problem tractable.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProc. 24th Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
    Number of pages15
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


    • CG, GIS, TRAJ


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