Second virial coefficients of dipolar hard spheres

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An asymptotic formula is reported for the second virial coefficient B2 of a dipolar hard-sphere (DHS) fluid, in zero external field, for strongly coupled dipolar interactions. This simple formula, together with the one for the weak-coupling B2, provides an accurate prediction of the second virial coefficient for a wide range of dipole moments, including those that are experimentally accessible in magnetite ferrofluids. The weak-coupling B2 also yields an estimate of the magnetic moment minimally needed for isotropic gas–liquid phase-separation, if any, in the DHS fluid.
Original languageEnglish
Article number325104
Pages (from-to)325104/1-325104/4
Number of pages4
JournalJournal of physics. Condensed matter
Issue number32
Publication statusPublished - 2010


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