Search for events with an isolated lepton and missing transverse momentum and a measurement of W production at HERA

S. Chekanov, P. Kooijman

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


A search for events with an isolated high-energy lepton and large missing transverse momentum has been performed with the ZEUS detector at HERA using a total integrated luminosity of 504 pb−1. The results agree well with Standard Model predictions. The cross section for production of single W bosons in electron–proton collisions with unpolarised electrons is measured to be 0.89+0.25 −0.22(stat.) ± 0.10(syst.) pb.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)106-115
Number of pages10
JournalPhysics Letters B
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2009

Bibliographical note

ZEUS Collaboration (ca. 200 auteurs)


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