Saccadic search performance: The effect of element spacing

Björn N.S. Vlaskamp*, Eelco A.B. Over, Ignace Th C. Hooge

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In a saccadic search task, we investigated whether spacing between elements affects search performance. Since it has been suggested in the literature that element spacing can affect the eye movement strategy in several ways, its effects on search time per element are hard to predict. In the first experiment, we varied the element spacing (3.4°-7.1° distance between elements) and target-distracter similarity. As expected, search time per element increased with target-distracter similarity. Decreasing element spacing decreased the search time per element. However, this effect was surprisingly small in comparison to the effect of varying target-distracter similarity. In a second experiment, we elaborated on this finding and decreased element spacing even further (between 0.8° and 3.2°). Here, we did not find an effect on search time per element for element spacings from 3.2° to spacings as small as 1.5°. It was only at distances smaller than 1.5° that search time per element increased with decreasing element spacing. In order to explain the remarkable finding that search time per element was not affected for such a wide range of element spacings, we propose that irrespective of the spacing crowding kept the number of elements processed per fixation more or less constant.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)246-259
Number of pages14
JournalExperimental Brain Research
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2005


  • Crowding
  • Saccade
  • Visual search


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