Right Time, Right Place: Probing the Functions of Organelle Positioning

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The proper spatial arrangement of organelles underlies many cellular processes including signaling, polarization, and growth. Despite the importance of local positioning, the precise connection between subcellular localization and organelle function is often not fully understood. To address this, recent studies have developed and employed different strategies to directly manipulate organelle distributions, such as the use of (light-sensitive) heterodimerization to control the interaction between selected organelles and specific motor proteins, adaptor molecules, or anchoring factors. We review here the importance of subcellular localization as well as tools to control local organelle positioning. Because these approaches allow spatiotemporal control of organelle distribution, they will be invaluable tools to unravel local functioning and the mechanisms that control positioning.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)121-134
JournalTrends in Cell Biology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2016


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