Representations of centrally extended Lie superalgebra $\mathfrak{psl}(2|2)$

Takuya Matsumoto, Alexander Molev

Research output: Other contributionOther research output


The symmetries provided by representations of the centrally extended Lie superalgebra $\mathfrak{psl}(2|2)$ are known to play an important role in the spin chain models originated in the planar anti-de Sitter/conformal field theory correspondence and one-dimensional Hubbard model. We give a complete description of finite-dimensional irreducible representations of this superalgebra thus extending the work of Beisert which deals with a generic family of representations. Our description includes a new class of modules with degenerate eigenvalues of the central elements. Moreover, we construct explicit bases in all irreducible representations by applying the techniques of Mickelsson--Zhelobenko algebras.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 14 May 2014


  • math.RT
  • math-ph
  • math.MP


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