Repeated checking causes memory distrust

M. Van den Hout, M. Kindt

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


This paper attempts to explain why in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) checkers distrust in memory persists despite extensive checking. It is argued that: (1) repeated checking increases familiarity with the issues checked; (2) increased familiarity promotes conceptual processing which inhibits perceptual processing; (3) inhibited perceptual processing makes recollections less vivid and detailed and finally; (4) reduction in vividness and detail promotes distrust in memory. An interactive computer animation was developed in which participants had to perform checking rituals on a virtual gas stove. Two separate experiments were carried out with n=39 (Experiment I) and n=40 (Experiment II) healthy participants. In both studies, the control group and the experimental group were given the same pre-test and post-test on the virtual gas stove. In between, the experimental group engaged in ‘relevant checking’, i.e. checking the gas stove, while the control group engaged in ‘irrelevant checking’, i.e. checking virtual light bulbs. In both experiments there were powerful effects of repeated ‘relevant checking’: while actual memory accuracy remained unaffected, the vividness and detail of the recollections were greatly reduced. Most pertinently, in both experiments relevant checking undermined confidence in memory. No such effects were observed in the control group. One might argue that the pre-test/post-test design may have made the control group anticipate a memory assessment at the post-test and that this artifact made them relatively alert producing memory confidence at post test that was artificially high. A third experiment was carried out (n=2×20) in which no pre-test was given while, other than that, Experiment III was identical to the first two experiments. Results confirmed earlier findings: compared to the irrelevant checking control group, recollections in the relevant checking group were non-vivid, non-detailed while confidences in memory was low. The theory and data suggest an answer to the question ‘why memory distrust persists despite repetitive checking’. In people who check extensively, memory distrust may persist as a result of repetitive checking. OCD checking may be motivated by the wish to reduce uncertainty, but checking appears to be a counter-productive safety strategy. Rather than reducing doubt, checking fosters doubt and ironically increases meta-memory problems.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)301-316
JournalBehaviour Research and Therapy
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2003
Externally publishedYes


  • OCD
  • Checking
  • Doubt
  • Memory
  • Experimental model
  • Metamemory
  • Remember/know


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